Rental Car Coverage
We understand, you purchased rental reimbursement coverage when you bought your auto insurance policy. Your car breaks down and needs to be in the shop for a few days and you want to use that coverage to go a rent a vehicle.
Unfortunately that is not how rental reimbursement coverage works.
Rental Reimbursement or Transportation expense on your personal auto insurance is to pay or reimburse you for a rental vehicle in the event there is a covered claim or accident. Mechanical issues or general maintenance is not considered a covered claim.
A covered claim is considered an accident or incident where the insurance company would pay for the damages.
To learn more about the ways rental reimbursement works please visit our blog we did on that subject.
Physical Damage Coverage
In order to add rental reimbursement coverage to your policy you do need to carry physical damage coverage. Physical damage coverage consists of comprehensive and collision coverage.
There are a few insurance companies that will allow you to add rental reimbursement even if you don’t carry the collision coverage. This has nothing to do with the NY State Insurance Law, it is solely on a company by company basis.

How coverage’s work
An insurance policy is a contract, it is made up of hundreds of pages that breaks down coverage’s, exclusions, and how the insurance contract really works.
It isn’t reasonable to think a consumer is going to read all of that policy to verify what is and isn’t covered. Because like most contracts, it isn’t broken down using common sense either.
What are my options?
Working with an independent insurance agent will allow you to build a relationship with someone who is going to help you understand your policy, the problems you face and how things work.
If you don’t have a relationship with an independent insurance agent or want a review of your insurance?
Click below to learn more about how to proceed.