Most homeowners are surprised to learn that repair or replacement of damaged sewer lines, water lines, or any other utility line is their responsibility, not the service providers or the towns.
Well unfortunately this is the case for the area underground on your property, usually running from the road to your house.
Damage to these service lines often occur unexpectedly, and with the expenses not covered under a basic homeowner’s insurance policy the cost could be detrimental for a homeowner. The average cost to repair ranges from $3,000 to $5,000 depending on what excavation needs to be done.
Thankfully insurance carriers have started fixing this problem and filling this “gap” with underground service line insurance coverage.

What is Underground Service Line Coverage?
Underground service line insurance coverage protects against the direct physical loss to underground utility lines that you, the homeowner, are responsible for.
These lines include but are not limited to :
- Electrical
- Heating
- Natural Gas
- Sewer Lines
- Water Lines
- Telecommunications
This coverage will pay if the loss is caused by
- Wear and tear
- Rust, corrosion, decay, deterioration
- Collapse, not including sinkholes
- Freezing
- Electrical or mechanical breakdown
- Animal damage
- Root Invasion
- Other accidental damage
What will underground service line coverage pay for?
This coverage will pay to repair or replace the damaged utility line. It will also pay for the excavation and repair of the yard &/or driveway caused to access the damaged area. The insurance will also extend to the Loss of Use coverage on your homeowner’s policy.
What does this service line coverage cost?
Coverage limits start at $10,000 and can be increased up to $20,000 for most insurance carriers. The max price that we have seen for this coverage is $28 annually. Some insurance carriers are actually including it automatically for their clients. We have options for this coverage to be included not only on your primary homeowner’s insurance but also rental properties.
Like most coverage’s on your homeowner’s policy, this will be subject to a deductible, either matching your main deductible or possibly a lower stated amount built into this coverage form.
Why you need service line coverage
Whether you live in a brand new develop or your house is 100 years old, things happen. As you can see in the graphic above some of the damage that is caused as nothing to do with age or condition of these underground utility lines.
Over the years the need for this coverage continues to increase usually stemming from the sewer lines causing damage and back up inside your home. Sewer lines will be the most popular utility that causes for a claim which is why you may often hear or refer to this coverage as Sewer Lines Coverage.
If you do not know if you have this coverage, or if your insurance professional does not have an option to get you this coverage, please fill out the form below. Our team at Crowley Insurance will love the opportunity to better protect your home from damage.