This is a very common question that comes up, especially in Central New York.
Does my Home Insurance Cover roof leaks?
When water comes into your house due to an issue with the roof, does my homeowner’s insurance kick in.
If so, what will it cover?
Like most things when it comes to insurance, it depends.
It depends on how the water got in through the roof, did the wind blow shingles off the roof causing open areas for the water to penetrate, or was there improper flashing installed the last time the roof was completed?
Or if might just be nearly the end of its expected life span and is time for a new roof.
No matter what caused the roof leak, the damage the water causes inside your house will be covered on your primary home policy as long as it is written on a Special All Risk form otherwise known as a Homeowner 3 form.
The roof damage itself is what falls under the “it depends” part.

Is my roof damaged covered?
Homeowner’s policies are usually covered on an all-risk basis. That means unless there are exclusions in the policy, there is usually coverage.
Two typical reasons for roofs to leak just happen to be two of the exclusions that are built into the home insurance policy forms.
Always keep in mind that the general maintenance of your property does not fall on the insurance company. Repair of damage that is caused by deterioration, or general wear and tear, would be the responsibility of the homeowner.
The other exclusion built-in is faulty workmanship. Repair or damage due to the improper installation would fall on either the homeowner or the contractor that completed the work.
This is a great reason to make sure you collect proof of insurance from any contractor you have at your house.
What’s Next?
The first thing you want to do is to make sure you understand what your deductible is on your home insurance policy before filing a claim.
Now that you know that the roof repair itself might not be covered and only the water damage inside is, you might not want to file a claim if it falls under or near your deductible.
Understanding what the repair cost will also help before discussing or filing a claim directly with an insurance company.
Using an independent insurance agent will allow you some flexibility to have this conversation before filing a claim.
If you don’t have a relationship with an agent or want a review of your insurance then click the button below to schedule a review with one of our trusted insurance advisors.